ML Engineer @Simplified | Chill @CreworkHQ | Ex-ML @CrowdANALYTIX_q | @DRDO_India | Loves ML and Mangas
Compilers are not a game of luck. If you want it to work, code hard. - Sora (No Game No Life) Another blog, another butchered quote but what matters...
Getting back to where it started · Attention is Transformer’s breath, Multi-Head is Transformer’s release, RNNs thou wert and art, May thy model reach to...
Leverage PyTorch with the help of PyTorch Lightning · When I was a young man, I had liberty but I didn’t see it, I had time but I didn’t know it, And I...
All you need to know to handle Class Imbalance. · In a world without class imbalance we might've been heroes. - Neural Networks Keeping aside the fact...
One thing that always intrigued me about ML is that the more you learn about it the more you realize how little you know. One such case that happened...